Your Story

My story

Date: 02/25/2013 | By: Georgina

I first started getting bullied when I was 5 because I didn't talk - it wasn't that I didn't want to, I just couldn't - I couldn't have a basic conversation until I was 6, yet I could read and write still. When I began to talk the bullying got worse and I didn't know why. When I was 9 one of the ones that bullied me said I was too fat and they were going to hurt me, so I made myself sick and pretended to be ill, then I cut my arm because I thought I deserved the pain. The bullying still hasn't stopped, I'm 14 and I have a few close friends but I get bullied everyday - it's online rather than in real life now though. I suffer from clinical depression and panic & anxiety disorder, I have attempted suicide multiple times and I struggle with an eating disorder and self harm. All because they bullied me, they ruined me.

My Story

Date: 01/15/2013 | By: Sofia

when I was in kindergarten I started dealing with rude people. But I didnt mind it. It hurt me. But once I got to first grade I started feeling more pain. I had a class of 10 12 kids. And out of those students I only have 1 friend. I'm still best friends with her now. She's my everything. But when we were in class we didnt like doing bad stuff. And they called us names for that. Then it went on to using us for food, secrets, jelously. It hurt. But mostly for me. They used me for my kindness. My teacher hated me. I stunk in school and I still do. My brain doesn't function like other brains do. I switched schools. I went from a private school to public. The first day if school in second grade I went with my mom to find my bus stop. My mom remembered that we had neighbors that went to my school so we went to their home. And once they saw me. Just one look and started calling me names. I had ears that are not like your ears. They stick out and aren't folded like your. They called me big ears, elf ears and so on. I still get called those names now. It happned all through elementary. I never stood up for my self. I couldn't. People always pointed out my flaws. I hate and hated it. It hurts, I'm 13 now. I still get called names. I lost MANY friends because of bullies. People complain if I'm at their table, they move away, they give me attitude and so on. I started ti think about suicide at age 10. But as time went on it got worse. It led to my family bullying me. I get yelled at the most in the family because I'm the nicest. I won't do or say anything. I'm the most delicate. I get bullied from my older and younger sister. My parents dont do anything. Last year when I was 12 I started to cut. It was a mistake. I wasn't thinking. But now its my best friend. Everytime I get called ugly fat skinny a stick four eyed my cutter is right there for me. Its my everything. I cut on a daily basis. I may not say it but I do. I ran away from home last month and tried many times when I was younger. They still make fun of me to this day. I was at the age of 5-9. When I ran away last month it was the best thing. The day I was supposed to die my friend found me. I though maybe I should try killing my self a few weeks later. I took pills. By sister found me in middle if the night. I was sent to the hospital. And it went down hill from there. I begged the doctors not to tell my parents I lied and said I will tell them. I haven't. They have no idea. I get cyber bullies daily too. I'm even planning on my death just as you read this. I really hope this changed something in your life. I have so much more to say but you guys have somewhere better to be. You can find me on twittet to @a_suicidal_life love you<3 talk to me anytime! Bye! :)xxxs

Re: My Story

Date: 01/17/2013 | By: Theresia

I know how you feel, I am and got used for my kindness, and the worst part is that I can't say no, I just fake a smile and walk away. Even though they call me names, I keep my head up high and smile. Stay strong and don't let ANYONE tear you down, find friends that is there for you thru it all, even if you have only ONE true friend, it's better than 1000 fake ones who goes behind your back and end up bullying you, end up hurting you really much, you deserve all the happiness you can get.

I grew up with an abusive father, and it wasn't easy, why whole childhood was rough...

You can prove your bullies wrong, you are much better than them, you deserve all the happiness and love you can get. Just remember one're never alone.

I'll be here for you, you can find me on twitter @LovaticRusher97 :)

Re: Re: My Story

Date: 05/01/2013 | By: Sofia

Aww thank you! That means so much! I will and im sorry about your father! You deserve a lot better! You can find my twitter its @a_suicidal_life and @niallersmilers

My Story

Date: 01/03/2013 | By: Theresia

When I was at the age of eight, nine I started at a new school, I wasn't happy about it, but I wanted to give it a try. When I got there I didn't have any friends, I made one, but she went away as quickly. A compel of girls who was a few years older then me, started to pick on me and started to call me things like: ugly, fat, pig.
It started with that, but it started to get worse, they waited for me after school, they locked me into toilets, they pushed me into lockers. When I told my mom, she wanted to move away, she wanted me to be happy and get a new beginning. It didn't go like we planned, the girls tracked me down, they found out my mobile number and my mom's as well. They called me and threatened me, they called my mom and told her that I would be better of dead, that the world would be a better place without me. Sadly, I started to believe those things, I got insecure about myself, I brought myself down, I cried myself to sleep, I pushed every person that meant something to me away. I locked myself into my room and turned up the music, so my mom and family wouldn't hear me crying, or what I was doing in there. I ended up cutting and starving myself, I wanted to die, I felt like I didn't belong in this world anymore. The only person who kept me from doing something stupid was my mom, she is my cliff, I love her to death and without her, I wouldn't be here today, I wouldn't share my story with you guys. I am fifteen now and I am fighting to stay strong every single day, because I have people that don't accept me for who I am, people who tries to bring me down. They can't bring me down, 'cause even though I'm fighting every single day to stay strong, I know that I can get thru this, I know that I can stay strong, and maybe, just maybe I am accepting that this is who I am and no one can bring me down.

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